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Guilherme Gomes

Guilherme is an International Trade consultant and has been part BMJ for over 3 years. He is also an International Trade Specialist at the Brazilian Institute of International Trade and Investment (IBCI). Previously, he worked at the Department of Trade Remedies (DECOM) of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (MDIC), where he specialized in Public Interest in Trade Remedies, and at the Department of Agribusiness (DPAGRO) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Guilherme holds a degree in Economics from the University of Brasília (UnB). Academically, he was Editor-in-Chief of the economics journal “Eco da Graduação” of UnB and has several publications in the areas of international policy and international trade.


International Trade | Trade Defense | Economy
+55 61 3223 2700