Érico Oyama is a journalist and has been working at BMJ as a Political Analysis Consultant since December 2021. He is responsible for analytical materials on the political and economic scenario, as well as conducting scenario presentations and training sessions for clients. He also assists BMJ’s sector coordinators with backstage information. Previously, he was an Economy & Business reporter for Veja magazine (2011/2012), editor and broadcaster for BandNews FM (2012/2019) – where he worked with names such as Reinaldo Azevedo and Ricardo Boechat -, and a sectorist in Congress coverage for JOTA (2019/2021). He won the Marco Maciel Award twice, in 2020 and 2021, promoted by ABRIG, in the category “Journalism about Institutional Relations”. He has a degree in Journalism from Mackenzie and an MBA in Economic-Financial Information and Capital Markets for journalists, a course created by B3.
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